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edinburgh napier university

Women using computers in the JKCC at Edinburgh Napier

Women into Computing section for Edinburgh Napier

I spent the last few months of 2017 working on a Women into Computing section for the Edinburgh Napier website.

The aim of the project was to promote Computing as an option for those either choosing their subjects when leaving school or considering a career change. As such, the Women into Computing section is aimed at both undergraduate and postgraduate markets.Read More »Women into Computing section for Edinburgh Napier

Three ways to keep your Data Analyst on side

“[Data] has important stories to tell and only we can give them a voice.”

Stephen Few

Data. Is. King.

Data is everywhere and, where the Internet is concerned, easily captured. Google Analytics (GA) is the most widely used web analytics service on the internet. Since its launch in November 2005 it has constantly evolved with more data elements being added all the time. The information this free tool provides is broken down into three broad categories:

  1. Audience – who is on your site
  2. Acquisition – how they got there
  3. Behaviour – what they did while there

Read More »Three ways to keep your Data Analyst on side

Why I’ve decided to start blogging

I’ve started blogging in order to keep my skills up to date and relevant. Over the last decade as a Web Officer at Edinburgh Napier University my role has moved from content collation and creation to project delivery and data analysis. As a result my main involvement with written copy is minor updates to existing content or adding content produced by others to new sections of the University website, such as Executive Masters.Read More »Why I’ve decided to start blogging